Let It Woah

People like baseball.  People like a little movie called “Frozen.”  Put them together and you get a lot of interest.

A few days ago the video-sharing service Vine introduced a wonderful feature that shows you how many times your little 6-second video has been played.  Before that, all you knew about its popularity was how many times someone commented or hit the like button.

I haven’t posted a ton on Vine, but now with the loop count I can tell you that a lot of them get something like 20 plays.  This one from the postgame fireworks at Nats Park last night was slightly more popular thanks to being retweeted on Twitter:

It got about 80 plays in the first eight hours.

But there was another post in late April that really blew my mind once I saw the count.  I posted a snippet of Zach Walters using “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” as his walkup music.  It’s been picked up EVERYWHERE, including that night by the Washington Post.  Seriously, do a Google search for “cjhannas frozen” and see how many stories it’s in.

The result of all that exposure, plus being re-posted by 1,000 other Vine users and shared on Twitter plenty of times?

More than 575,000 views as of right now since I posted it April 22.  It’s pretty safe to say that’s the most popular social mediaing I will ever do.

Unless of course I get super famous and then do something scandalous, all of which sounds like too much work.  So I’ll just do stuff like this:

July 3, 2014 By cjhannas baseball internet Uncategorized Share:

2 thoughts on “Let It Woah

  1. jena ardell says:

    I'm glad you're finally getting the exposure you deserve with the first two Vines, but I found the metro seat Vine to be much more entertaining.

  2. cjhannas says:

    Thanks! I'd much rather be known for that 🙂

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