
  • 22 Jan

    Close Cut

    There may be no place on this Earth where I am more popular than the Hair Cuttery three miles from my house in Virginia.

    This morning I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for the place to open, and the woman who cuts my hair most often spotted me and waved as she exited her car to walk inside.  By contrast, when I’m walking down the sidewalk toward work, I can easily blow past one of my coworkers and not even realize it (sorry y’all).

    Once inside, I’m usually greeted with smiles and kind words from whomever is working — a combination of “honey,” “sweetie” and “you haven’t been to see us in a while.”

    It’s important to note I’ve been to multiple locations over the years, and while there were some nice people say in Jacksonville, none of those other experiences has come close to this one.

    I think it helps that I’m there first thing in the morning when there’s rarely anyone else, plus having spent many years in customer service I tend to have good connections with others in those kinds of positions.

    Of course I’ll never be more popular than with my longest tenured hair cutter.  That would be my mom.

    At some point during my early-ish elementary school days we got a set of clippers at home, which made perfect sense with four kids around whose hair had the audacity to never stop growing.  Mostly this was an amazing development, leaving us only to ask (usually after building a coalition) and mom would soldier through giving us all a trim.

    But there was one time where everything didn’t go as smoothly as intended.  I was in the fourth grade rocking something like a #4 on the sides and back of my head and a #7 on the top.

    The responsibility of the first kid in line was to spread out a shower curtain on the floor, plop a chair on top, and open up the case containing the cutting supplies.  Then we sat down, put in our order and let the magic happen.

    Somehow during all of this my mom and I got distracted, and by the time the clippers hit my head it was too late to catch our mistake.  Neither one of us put on the #7 guard, meaning my hair was instead being given a nice, close #0.  There’s no going back at that point.  She had to shave my entire head basically down to nothing, leaving only a tiny bit of fuzz.

    In high school, this probably would have been a big deal.  But as a fourth grader it took about seven seconds at school for people to ask what happened and then forget.

    We were left with an important new step in the hair cutting process — putting the first guard on myself each time — as well as a memory both my barber and I still laugh about today.

    By cjhannas family Uncategorized
  • 21 Jan

    Life From Way Up Here

    You have the Internet (I know, tremendous guess on my part).  That means that you come across daily lists of the 12 signs you’re this or 10 things only X people understand.

    But usually if you’re in that X group there are only a few that truly apply, and a couple that kind of do.  You see people post the list to Facebook with a comment like “#7!!!! Oh and #5.”

    This list about the difficulties faced by tall people hits about 90 percent for me.

    1. Comically low shower heads?  I’ve encountered this in a bunch of hotel rooms.  It was also an easy deal-breaker at one place when I was deciding where to move last year.

    2. “Oh, did I hit your leg?”  Yes, sorry.  They don’t fit entirely on my side of the table.  Good thing my knees are well used to nailing the table itself, so you are unlikely to injure me.  Bonus related item: seating on airplanes and the Metro goes like this:

    3. If you ask nicely, I have zero problem grabbing things from high places.  I recognize this is one of my duties as a tall American.  I would say this happens roughly three times a year at the grocery store, and although I would enjoy being compensated in Bagel Bites, I have yet to demand payment.

    4/5. Hahahahaha.  I have no idea how they got such an accurate drawing of me trying on clothes.  The range of thoughts starts so positively as the shirt goes on, but then I look down at the sleeves and wonder where the rest of them went.  Often I merely make note of styles and go home to buy the tall size online (because obvi they don’t have them in the store).

    6. If you’re shorter than say 5’5″ I’m risking great injury giving you a hug.  I will, but I’m there is great peril invovled.  Oh, you’re 5’9″?  Your hug comes with bonus Bagel Bites from #3 to show my appreciation.

    7. Just like the showerheads in #1, things are often put in place for average people, which I totally understand.  I have adapted to the art of standing reallllllly far away or squatting down to get a good mirror view.  Actually, these techniques are exactly the same as with a short shower.  At my house though, this is not an issue:

    8. I would never bother trying to take a bath.  But a similar situation crops up on couches in normal people’s homes.  In my life, there’s been exactly one couch I’ve stretched out on without having to curl up my legs or drape them over the edge.  Well there was at least, until I moved and got a new couch and that number shot all the way up to two:

    I cannot describe what kind of heaven this is.

    9. It’s rare that I ever have someone in the seat behind me, so I’m not counting this as a real issue.  Though I will say that when I first got in my current car for a test drive, I slid the seat all the way back out of habit and was shocked to find I couldn’t reach the peddles.  That was an amazing selling point.

    10. I believe this has happened exactly zero times.  But, I think that has something to do with the fact that if there is a group shot, and it’s being taken by one of us, it’s going to be the one with the longest arms.  And that would be me.  I don’t think I’m going to cut myself out.

    11. There’s no real textual point here, but the picture is a good one to end on.  How tall am I?  Six-foot-three.  Do I know this because that’s what they measured at the doctor’s office?  Hahahaha.  No.  Around age 14 my experience with a nurse checking my vitals started going like this:

    Nurse: Okay go ahead and stand against the wall there.
    Me: (stands against the wall with the measuring device).
    Nurse: (half reaches her hand up, looks around for a chair) “Um…”
    Me: (waits)
    Nurse: So…do you know how tall you are?
    Me: I think like [insert current height]?
    Nurse: Do you feel like you’ve grown lately?
    Me: Maybe?
    Nurse: I’ll just put [whatever height I said].
    Me: Okay.

    Eventually I did figure out that the best method was to grab the thing above my head and do my best to slide it into the right position myself, then read what it says and tell the nurse.  They probably should comp me a couple of co-pays for my work.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 19 Jan

    Technology Best ))))))

    Technology is amazing.

    Yes, we have cars that can drive themselves and we’re driving around a little roving science lab on Mars, but the greater direct impact on my life involves video games.

    Back in my youth, if you were playing Nintendo and something amazing happened, the only way you could go back and see it again was if you happened to be running the video through a VCR.  This is not a thing people did.

    On later systems, sports games got instant replay functions, but if the people you wanted to share a replay with weren’t around there still wasn’t a good way to show them what happened.  Even in 2002, the easiest way to tell someone — usually my younger brother — about something amazing was to take a picture on my flip phone and try my best to describe what he was seeing.

    (In this case I punted to the Broncos and this guy caught the ball while standing out of bounds, pinning them at the 1-inch line.  I was far too excited when it happened.)

    Fast forward to now, and we have what would have seemed like something out of the Jetsons in 2002.  The other day I was playing a game of hockey on the PS4, and after a whistle I cleaned out the opposing skater.  One of his teammates immediately reacted to my late hit by throwing down his gloves and trying to beat in my face:

    A slight quality upgrade from that cell phone picture.  And really, this was easier for me to do.  All it required was pressing roughly three buttons and the system uploaded this clip to my YouTube account while I continued playing.

    The other cool thing I can do now is play games on the same team as my brother even while we’re sitting on our respective couches 15 miles apart.  We’ve played countless games this way, starting with Madden on Nintendo 64 and continuing with every sports game we’ve had since then.

    We’ve long been able to play games against one another, but even that technology was spotty for a long time.  With computer games, at first you could only communicate through little chat windows, and no matter what you were playing the game was often choppy as your systems and connections struggled to keep up.

    Now the gameplay is great, and we can actually speak to one another through headsets that plug right into our wireless controllers. 

    So when the whistle blows after I commit a penalty (like hitting someone after a play), I can actually hear him when he says “what did you do?”  And he can hear when I laugh and respond with, “my bad.”

  • 18 Jan

    Ready For The Hits

    A magical delivery came to my door this week, brightening these cold, dark days with the promise of spring:

    Our work softball league requires guys to use wooden bats, and although I had a great season with our team’s bats last year, I wanted one that was a tiny bit heavier.  Plus this one has my name and an American flag on it.  I want to carry it around everywhere I go:

    April can’t get here soon enough.

    This is the fourth bat I’ve owned during my time on this great planet.  Before this, the last time I got one I believe was way back at age 14.

    I can’t off the top of my head remember a picture from the very beginning, but this one from when I was 15 is pretty close:

    A photo posted by Chris Hannas (@cjhannas) on

    Today that bat can be found in the trunk of my car, because who knows when you’ll end up at the batting cages?

    Top memory of this bat: hitting a home run in three consecutive games.

    Top memory of the bat that came before this one: hitting a game-winning grand slam for my summer all-star team.

    I was 12, and we were playing in a tournament down in Staunton, Va.  Trailing by three runs in the bottom of the 5th inning, my coach sent me up to pinch hit.  There were two outs, and with a full count the pitcher threw a curveball down and in.  I golfed it over the right field fence — my first ever home run — giving us a one-run lead.

    My teammates were pretty psyched:

    You can see the bat in that first picture, next to the catcher (fun fact: I can still fit in the jersey).  Better look at the bat in action here:

    I’ll leave you with this, which I’ve posted before, but saw when looking up these videos and it’s just too excellent not to watch again:

    By cjhannas baseball Uncategorized
  • 17 Jan

    Eligible Bachelor

    Several times over the past few years I’ve been involved in a conversation that went like this:

    For all of the proponents of that idea, Merry Christmas:

    For some reason there’s an online application that requires only a few basic bio questions, while the mail-in version is six pages long.  It’s a PDF file you can’t type in, and has the wonderful file name of “GuyApplication.”

    I decided that if I’m putting in any effort here, I might as well put in a lot and hand-write this sucker.  Of course I wouldn’t have to do it at all if one of you had gone to the trouble of nominating me:

    I really want to know how often that happens and what the person’s reaction is.

    The first page and a half of the application is all the boring information like height, place of birth and education level.  Then we get to the good stuff, like asking if I’ve been arrested or convicted of a crime, and this:

    Then we get to some curious decisions by the people who constructed this application.  Ever been married and need to explain the potentially complicated reason it didn’t work out?  Here’s two lines:

    Sure, maybe you’re just writing “cheating” or “wouldn’t let me have turtles,” but I’m guessing most of the time you’d need some room.  Wait, I found some spare space on the next page:

    But now we have the good questions, the ones where I feel like I was able to mix ridiculousness with complete honesty.  I’ll type them rather than use pictures so they’ll be easier to read.

    Q: Are you genuinely looking to get married?
    A: Yes

    Q: Why would you want to find your spouse on our TV show?
    A: I believe this process brings out the best in people and truly highlights the depth of their character.  Plus, who doesn’t love TV?!

    (Ok that was not very honest, but let’s move on…)

    Q: Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
    A: Yes

    Q: What’s your favorite drink?
    A: Half Mountain Dew Sangrita Blast/Half Mountain Dew Baja Blast (from Taco Bell)

    Q: Do you have any special talents? Tell us!
    A: I can solve a Rubik’s Cube and wiggle my ears.  Expert Taco Bell menu adviser.  I almost never miss behind-the-back paper towel shots in public bathrooms.

    (If I’m not already in the keeper pile by this point I don’t know what they’re looking for.  Let’s bring it home!)

    Q: List 3 adjectives that would surprise people about you:
    A: I’ve already revealed so much already.  Let the viewers figure out this one.  We’ll have plenty of time.

    Q: What have you not found but would like to have in a relationship?
    A: The sweet spot between “WTF and likes me” and the opposite of that.

    Q: Do you think you are ready for marriage? If so why — or why not?
    A (2nd half): Also, in case I haven’t stressed this enough elsewhere, baseball is vitally important.  The term “deal-breaker” is pretty strong, but it absolutely applies in this case.

    Get ready, America.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 16 Jan

    Great Soda Can Debate

    There is a right way and a wrong way to do things.  Often, the right way is the way you do it, and the wrong way is another method someone else does that you never considered.  Your way comes naturally.

    Earlier this month I talked about ways to clap.  Today’s debate is about opening soda cans.

    This discussion began with my younger brother and I noticing that my mom (and we later learned her sister too) open cans in a way we consider backwards.  That is, we pull the tab toward us with a finger, while they turn the can around and lift the tab away from them with a thumb.

    Our way, their way:

    Time for you to vote.

    How do you open a soda can?



    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 15 Jan

    Mom Fan Favorites

    Last night I texted my mom some disappointing news: Tyler Clippard, her favorite Nationals player, had just been traded to Oakland.  Her response involved emojis with tears.

    Once news of the trade broke, it was the only topic of conversation among the Nats Twitter community where I regularly converse with a bunch of fellow fans.  But as we all made sense of the deal and shared memories of Clippard, an interesting pattern emerged.  My mom was not the only Nats fan mom who counted him as her favorite.

    Mom with Clippard warming up before a game in 2013

    One fan told me her soon-to-be 87-year-old mom was “crushed” when she broke the news to her, and that her mom may be writing a letter of protest.

    A Nats Twitter friend said of his mom, “Mine cried…still might be.”

    Another friend said she herself is the mom in this situation, and dreaded telling her two daughters about one of their favorites leaving when they woke up this morning (the account she later posted of that process was very sad).

    All of this made me wonder, who is the equivalent guy on the other Major League teams?  Fortunately baseball Twitter people are awesome, and after scrolling through my list to find fans of other teams I had some quick answers.


    @cjhannas oh Eric Hosmer, for sure.
    — William Gallo (@GalloVOA) January 15, 2015


    @cjhannas Neil Walker. As my mom would say, “he’s dreamy.”
    — T (@taralumarie) January 15, 2015


    @cjhannas but in the past a lot of people liked Raul Ibanez each and every time he was on the M’s (my mom loved him!)
    — Tova Perlow (@DugoutDiva) January 15, 2015


    @cjhannas Hamels!! The Moms? him
    — Laura_B (@lb_423) January 15, 2015


    @cjhannas: Hmmm…moms? Well Yadi’s the most popular overall. But I would say moms are particularly fond of Matheny.
    — Kelsey Shea Weinrich (@kelseyshea11) January 15, 2015


    .@cjhannas Nick Markakis. But now he’s a Brave. I’m going to go JJ Hardy
    — j money ham (@jfmonahan) January 15, 2015


    @cjhannas Michael Young?
    — Mina Park (@minapark) January 15, 2015

    Brewers (Jonathan Lucroy):

    @cjhannas @vodkalemonades @ktek7 LUUUUUUUUUUC
    — Kristin (@10iskristin) January 15, 2015

    There’s definitely a certain look that’s common among this group.  You could plausibly convince me that Walker, Hamels, Matheny, Hardy, Young and Lucroy are all cousins.  

    And although I don’t know any Twins fans, discussions with the Royals fan Bill brought up the guy who may be the ultimate active mom fan favorite: Joe Mauer.  He’s one of the “cousins” too.

    So long, Tyler, it’s been a real treat.

    By cjhannas baseball Uncategorized
  • 14 Jan

    Calvin McFly

    This is a rare time I will admit to failing at a post.

    Ordinarily, if I have an idea that doesn’t quite pan out, you never know because I abandon it and write something else.  But in this case, I’m going to spell out my defeat and then attempt to rally and come through anyway.

    Let’s start at the beginning.  The task, from my friend Jon, was this:

    “Comprehensive analysis of why Marty McFly was a better Calvin Klein revenue generator than Mark Wahlberg and the Biebs combined.”

    Because this is the Internet where multiple generations dwell, let me quickly lay out the pieces of that so everyone is on the same page.

    Marty McFly: Michael J. Fox’s character in “Back to the Future.”  While time traveling in the past, he meets his own mother, and needing to stay undercover, goes with it when she calls him Calvin Klein based on the name written on his underwear.

    Mark Wahlberg: Rapper, actor, restaurant partner, appeared in Calvin Klein ads in 1992.

    Justin Bieber: Singer, leader of tween army, currently appearing in Calvin Klein ads.

    My plan was to approach this purely analytically by finding Calvin Klein corporate earnings for 1991, 1992 and 1993 (Wahlberg before/during/after), and 1984, 1985 and 1986 (Back to the Future before/during/after).  Since I don’t have a flux capacitor to get 2015 and 2016 earnings I was going to make an argument against the Biebs either way.

    I started with the early years, and after a ridiculous amount of searching came up with this disappointing revelation: Calvin Klein was privately held back then, meaning no public earnings (though that article does peg sales at $500 million).

    To make matters worse, the company also licensed out manufacturing to other companies, and has itself been acquired several times since then.  In short, this method had zero chance of producing anything useful.

    So let’s shift to a simpler argument.

    In the movie, Marty McFly is a teenager who isn’t the coolest guy at school and certainly isn’t a jock.  He’s just a guy.

    See?  He’s got a t-shirt and crazy bed head just like the rest of us.  In fact, that t-shirt remains even as his Calvin Kleins come into view:

    On the other hand, there’s Wahlberg and Bieber.  You can see in that piece that their ads put no value on shirts or colors, all while utilizing bodies that most of us (even with some digital work) can’t really identify with.

    A great advertisement either introduces you to a product or reinforces it in your mind, but in either case puts it in your world.  You can see yourself using that blender or enjoying that unlimited pasta bowl with your family.  Show me all the Ferrari commercials you want, but you’re wasting your time.

    Bieber’s photo in that article catches him saying: “Hey girl, this is my photo shoot.  Don’t you see me being shirtless right here?  This is Calvin Klein, not your time.”

    To his right, Wahlberg is saying: “Mr. Photo Man, how did you get in my house?  I have like 17 dogs out there and a bigass gate.  My lady here doesn’t like you either.  You better not have knocked over her motorcycle.”

    Now let’s go back to McFly:

    He was sleeping in those Calvin Kleins like a perfectly normal person.  The girl left the room, so he scrambles to throw on his jeans and cover those bad boys up.  You know, like underwear is designed to be.  

    Which scenario makes you think, “Hm, now there’s a product I could incorporate into my life”?  You can try to sell aspiration, or you can sell practicality.  Sell a Porsche or sell a Camry.

    Winner: McFly.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 12 Jan

    Running, Inside My Head

    What does running a race feel like?

    That’s what my friend Kelly wants to know.  I learned in my very first journalism class that one of the things you cannot talk about without attribution is how another person feels.  Such instances of “ESP” earned you a ride in a virtual ejection seat (this professor is pretty entertaining).

    But having run tons of 5Ks and half-marathons myself, I can describe my own experience.

    Narrowing it down to single words depends on the day: exhilarating, frustrating, satisfying, free, exhausting, amazing, painful, essential.

    The first one is anxious confidence.  Standing in a corral with hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of my sportily attired best friends, I know I put in the training yet there are no guarantees of what will happen once the gun goes off.  In the last minutes the adrenaline begins to build.  A national anthem or jet flyover (that’s only happened once) only enhance that.

    BOOM.  We’re off.  The first half-mile of 13.1 is chaos.  I’m alternating between flying and throwing on the brakes as I navigate my way through a dense crowd of people running at all different speeds.  I try to move to the far left where there’s usually a lane to avoid much of the craziness, but often it’s like playing sideways Frogger finding the right nooks to duck in and the right people to follow.

    Then the crowd thins out as we spread into an ever elongating snake through the streets of whatever city.  I try to get a sense of how well I made it through relative to my goal pace but the real answer comes with a sign that says “Mile 1.”  The time on my watch is almost always faster than I expect, bringing immediate instructions from body management to breathe and settle into my pace.

    It’s here that I take a good look around, checking out the scenery and those around me.  Is there someone who’s running my goal pace?  Someone a tiny bit faster?  Let’s keep them in view and let their strides lead the way.

    The next few miles are the hardest.  They’re the ones that make me question my sanity and whether I can maintain this pace for another hour.  I do my best to not think about how many miles remain, but it’s impossible.  Breathe.  Settle in.  When my stride or pace feels off, I often think of a song to get me back on course.  This song:

    WE are, YEAH I said it, WE are….LEFT right, LEFT right then, LEFT again…That’s my fast, comfortable pace.  I’m working hard, but not destroying my legs in mile 4.  I do this on my tempo training runs too, so while the music plays in my head, I see the bike trail by my house flying by in the memories of runs that I CRUSHED.

    Miles 5, 6, 7…cruising.  Confidence builds with each one.  In my head these are the miles I “click off” as if they are checkboxes on a form.  Get through that seventh mile anywhere near goal pace and I’m on top of the world.  I’m about to hit the stretch where I feel the best.  My stride is open and free, gliding along knowing I’m only counting down the miles now.  I think ahead to the finish where volunteers, family, friends and random city people will be lining the street yelling encouragement while thumping music plays and a guy on the PA calls out names of people crossing the line.

    Miles 8, 9, 10…Thoughts of Sunday mornings at sunrise stepping outside my house and doing long runs at these distances.  Week after week, building muscle, getting used to being on my feet that long, up hills, through heat and cold, splashing carefree through the rain.  At the end of this leg is a major mental milestone.  Just a measly little 5K to go.  The math is easier too.  Figuring out what time is possible in mile 7 is an educated guess.  At mile 10, I’m adding three numbers with a much better idea of what’s left in the tank.

    Mile 11 I’m hanging on.  One more good one to set me up for the final stretch.  Breathe.  Push.  Forget about what hurts.  Think of the food at the finish line.  Twenty more minutes of hard work and then I can collapse on the couch the rest of the day.  I’m not running for a week after this so there’s no reason to leave anything in reserve.

    Mile 12.  Go.  Go go go.  I’m thinking about the million two-mile runs I’ve done, many of them with a giant hill after working all night.  This is cake.  I try to pick out someone ahead of me to catch.  It won’t happen immediately — this is a longer game.  I have two miles to reel them in.  At the same time, my mind turns to a macro view.  All those training runs, those first 11 miles, and here we are.  There’s only a tiny bit left.  WE’RE DOING THIS.  No matter how many times I’ve raced this distance, the end is a real thing.  It’s an accomplishment, something I’ve worked toward for months and I’m about to reap the reward of every drop of sweat.

    My greatest race memory is mile 12 of the Raleigh City of Oaks Half-Marathon in 2009.  I think about it all the time when I need a boost on a long run:

    That was the best mile I’ll ever run in my life.  Not the fastest by any measure — the BEST.  The biggest shot of adrenaline surged through my veins when I saw 7:18.  Not only was it ridiculous for me to go that fast in mile 12, it was at that point that I knew I was going to crush my personal best.  I went into that race wanting to finish in 1:45, and with this mile I knew I could do the next one in 9 minutes and still beat that goal.  Anyone looking on would have seen me pumping my fist.  YEAH!!

    Mile 13.  The finish line calls.  The first half of this mile is like number 11 — hang on.  The second half is about pushing every last bit of energy through the soles of my shoes as my legs and lungs burn.  And yet, it’s a celebration in my mind.  Just like the last leg of the Tour de France where the winner glides along sipping champagne, my brain knows at this point how close we are to being done and how satisfying it will be to stand there with a medal around my neck.

    With every step the city gets louder.  A few people here and there on the sidewalk becomes small groups, then entire blocks with a line of people holding signs and offering WOOOOOOs and shouts of encouragement with the names of the runners around me.  Cow bells are ringing.  The bass of the finish line sound system is thumping.  The archway with its ticking clock comes into view.  Yes yes yes yes yes, go go go go go.  Finish.  Finish.  Finish.

    A few more steps, a big exhale and a glance at my watch.  A personal best, right on goal time, a little slower or a time that means I simply finished.  Breathe.  Relax.  Drink.  Another look at my watch and I’m already debriefing.  Whatever that number means, I’m evaluating it in light of how I trained, and what happened during that race.

    But most of all I am done.  I have accomplished.  I will eat pizza and take a nap.  And in a week I will tie my shoes, step outside my door, and take the first steps toward next time.

    By cjhannas running Uncategorized
  • 11 Jan

    Slip Sledding Away

    Last Tuesday it snowed, and the weather has been cold enough since then that there’s still some of it around.  Yesterday I went to my parents’ house before a birthday brunch for my brother-in-law.

    Why do these things matter?  Timing.  Because today’s assignment is this:

    My answer is that it depends on what sort of snow riding experience you desire.  Sleds are more the SUVs of the snow world, good for going in straight lines and especially useful if you’re likely to be in a crash.  Saucers and their cousin the tube are like a Ferrari you drive while blindfolded.  You’re going to go faster, but there is zero chance you’ll have any control during a single point of the ride.

    Let niece Mady and I demonstrate a tube ride from Thanksgiving:

    As a kid, my first sledding location was this spot in my parents’ front yard:

    The first trip down was not that fun, but once that track was cut we would dive into the sleds and have a quick, exciting trip to the bottom where the ditch kindly prevented us from flying into the road.  The only problem with this location was the relatively short run.

    The solution?  Across the street there are two houses with fenced-in backyards with a very convenient gap of about 10 feet in between the fences.  There was someone I don’t know standing next to their car when I was there yesterday, so enjoy this Google Streetview image of the site:

    A saucer trip here was incredible with how fast you can go, and yet the chance of slamming into the fence was roughly 2,000 percent.  Sleds were ideal.  A bunch of kids from the neighborhood would converge here and all at once we would set out down the hill, some of us riding tandem, others diving in to gain speed after a first group had gone ahead.  Bonus points if you could start on the driveway, dive into the sled and make it between the fences without going face-first into the corner on the left.  The result was basically a Nascar race with bumping and crashes and someone emerging at the bottom in snowy glory.

    There were no major injuries (that I know of).  Though at one point a similar mass sledding race took place inside the yard on the right, and after my older brother crashed one of the other kids flew over a bump riding a quasi snowboard and landed on my brother’s face.  He walked home with a cut on his lip and a chunk of green snowboard plastic in his teeth.

    The snowboard itself has a mark on the bottom where that happened.  I would have a picture of that for you, but I just remembered that part now, and the snowboard is in the attic in my parents’ garage.  You’ll just have to use your imagination on this one.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
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