
  • 15 Mar

    The Dr. is In

    If you are doing a Dr. Phil impression, you should be required to use the phrase “that dog just won’t hunt.”

    It captures just enough of folksiness with a mix of cliche and lends itself to a southern accent. If you’re dispensing life advice, that’s exactly the tone you should be setting.

    While I have been in conversations–usually with northerners–that feature a moment where the other party declares, “there’s the Virginia accent,” I definitely need to add a little extra to do a solid Dr. Phil. Though when it comes to the content of his message, apparently I have enough credibility already.

    In a completely inexplicable trend that is conspiring to cost me great amounts of sleep, I have apparently become some sort of life-help guru, especially when it comes to relationships. In the past few months no fewer than four of my friends have come to me to talk about their significant others–either current, future or desired.

    Maybe they just know I don’t sleep well and am probably likely one of the only people they know who will answer the phone at 2 a.m. Or maybe they have reviewed my sterling relationship history (ha!) and figure I clearly understand whatever issue is bothering them.

    Hard to say.

    I think the early hour of most of the calls has a lot to do with it; I’m not fully awake and thus they can just sort of talk themselves out while I keep conscious with an occasional question. It’s also possible that cliches exist for a reason. If you have heard something a hundred times maybe it has some truth to it. And if you have seen any of Dr. Phil’s work, you know that if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, actions speak louder than words and two wrongs don’t make a right.

    Now if only I could be asleep at midnight instead of posting a blog. I guess you could say my sleep tonight will be too little too late. I wonder if Dr. Phil can help with that.

    By cjhannas sleep Uncategorized
  • 12 Mar

    Two Friday Thoughts

    It’s Friday and I have two thoughts, each of which I will expand upon below.

    1. A subway car is a really awkward place to say goodbye to someone.
    2. Katharine McPhee is not Natalie Portman

    After a morning appointment in Washington, D.C., this morning I took the Metro back home to Virginia. When I boarded the train there were two young women sharing the seat just in front of mine.

    I would guess they are of college age, mainly because it was the middle of the day and they were talking about things that sounded plausibly like school assignments. At one of the first Virginia stations one of the girls got up to get off the train. She wrapped up the conversation and as she took a step towards the door she said “have a great day.”

    The train stopped. The doors didn’t open right away, leaving the girl to stand four feet away from someone she said goodbye to. She was left looking down at the floor for a solid 25 seconds. I don’t know how she fought the urge to turn and at least make some sort of remark to break the obvious tension.

    Last night I was watching the NBC show Community with one of my roommates (CA from earlier posts). This episode featured guest star Katharine McPhee, who I understand has some sort of American Idol fame.

    I think during the entire episode CA was trying to figure out who she was, because late in the show the following exchange took place:

    CA: “Oh, it’s that chick from Star Wars!”
    CJH: “Natalie Portman?”
    CA: “Yes.”
    CJH: “That is not Natalie Portman.”
    CA: “Yes it is.”
    CJH: “I assure you it is not.”

    If you read somewhat regularly, you may know I am a Natalie Portman fan and thus should be an authority on “is that Natalie Portman?”

    Compare for yourself:

    Katharine McPhee

    Natalie Portman

    I rest my case.

    By cjhannas metro Uncategorized
  • 01 Mar

    Folly Folly Foxenfree

    You’re almost 60 years old, and your wife wants a divorce. Your health isn’t exactly great thanks to the cancer you just beat back and it seem clear that your daughter–your only child–doesn’t like you very much.

    What do you do with the rest of your life?

    That’s the fundamental question answered in Paul Auster’s novel “The Brooklyn Follies.” This is the second Auster novel on my bookshelf, after reading “The Book of Illusions” in 2008. My thoughts on that title here.

    “Brooklyn Follies” shows how you can make the decision to dust yourself off, cast aside all of the negative aspects of your life and resolve to basically start over. The main character, Nathan, goes back to Brooklyn, the place where he grew up, and rebuilds his life one lunch and one project at a time.

    The beauty of Auster’s writing is the ability to start with a relatively simple cast of characters and bring out their complexity one by one. He’s then able to meld them together, amplifying those character traits in a way that wasn’t apparent on their own. When a new player enters the scene, there’s a sort of mystery novel element to each one, giving you the feeling that no matter how small their role now you know they are going to play a part in the larger story later on.

    My favorite example in this book is a young girl, Nathan’s great-niece. Early on you learn her mother is not exactly in the reliable department, foreshadowing a time when the mother’s decisions eventually force her to send the girl to her uncle (Nathan’s nephew, the mother’s brother). The girl, Lucy, is incredibly smart but suffers all kinds of issues from growing up in a less-than-stellar home environment. But she has quirks that you can’t help but laugh at sometimes.

    Her mother tells the story of when Lucy was in daycare, and the teacher called her mother with a concern: “When it came time for the children to have their milk, Lucy would always hang back until all the other kids had taken a carton before she’d take one herself. The teacher didn’t understand. Go get your milk, she’d say to Lucy, but Lucy would always wait around until there was just one carton left. It took a while for me to figure it out. Lucy didn’t know which carton was supposed to be her milk. She thought all the other kids knew which ones were theirs, and if she waited until there was only one carton in the box, that one had to be hers.”

    You can clearly see that scene playing out, the little girl leaning against the wall trying not to be noticed. Her eyes are wide as she slowly watches the milk cartons disappearing. She looks down and shuffles her feet, trying to act casually indifferent as the worry rages inside her. As the last kid in line approaches the carton she slips in behind him, ready to claim her milk and give a sigh of relief as another day in a system she doesn’t understand passes by.

    Nathan has a friendship with a rare book dealer for whom his nephew works. The nephew is a grad-school dropout who was studying literature and thus knows tons of random stories about authors. He tells one about Franz Kafka going to a park where he finds a young girl who is upset about losing a doll. He tells the girl that the doll went on a trip, which he knows because the doll gave him a letter. The girl asks to see it, and he tells her he left it at home but will bring it to her. Kafka goes home and composes a letter, from the point of view of a doll, and gives it to her. He writes one every day for three weeks, slowly separating the doll from the girl’s life until she’s no longer sad the doll has moved on.

    One reason I’m reading less so far this year is that I have been spending time on a writing project of my own, one that involves composing letters from a fictional person who also happens to be female. It’s a really interesting challenge to write outside of your “voice” especially when you are putting yourself in a perspective completely opposite of your life experience.

    A last interesting tidbit from Auster’s story. One of Nathan’s last ideas in the book is to create a service for “regular” people to commission their own biographies. If you’re famous, it’s not hard to get someone to write about you. If you’re famous enough, hundreds of writers will take on your life story. His idea is to create a sort of insurance where you pay a small amount each month and at the end of your life your relatives get a book about you.

    I wasn’t near the Internet when I finished the book so I couldn’t look to see if this kind of service actually exists, since it seems like a pretty logical enterprise. Today I spent about seven seconds on Google and found that for roughly $15,000 this British company will write a biography about anyone. Not sure if they’ll travel to the United States.

    By cjhannas books Uncategorized
  • 27 Feb

    Two Mate Oh

    I hate tomatoes. That is, I hate fresh tomatoes.

    Give me anything derived from them–ketchup, pasta sauce–and I have no issues. I can even be down with tomatoes cooked on a pizza.

    I understand this is a bit of a dichotomy, but I assure you it is not unique in my dietary preferences. I also love peanut butter, but hate most of its uses outside of sandwiches. Don’t even get me started on the chocolate-peanut butter combination.

    For some strange reason I recently decided to address this issue. Well, at least the tomato part. I don’t think I’ll get to the point where I’m tossing cherry tomatoes in my mouth, but I can delete “no tomato” from my sandwich orders. In fact, I have already consumed such a sandwich twice this week. In one case, at Quizno’s, I even tried to get extra tomatoes (not realizing they had already put them on the sandwich, I asked for tomatoes).

    I haven’t died yet, so I guess there will be some more tomatoes in my future.

    By cjhannas food Uncategorized
  • 25 Feb

    Firing Up the Flux Capacitor

    After a brief hiatus, I have found my way back to the keyboard. I hope you didn’t miss me too much.

    At least I had good reasons for being away, most notably a long weekend in my former home of Jacksonville, Fla.

    I was there to run the half marathon of the 26.2 with Donna, which was my first run of more than six miles since mid-November. Given the results, maybe not training for events is a decent idea.

    A year ago I trained all winter for a half marathon in Washington, D.C., and finished in 1:49:45. This winter I spent most of my time in a recliner thanks to a stress fracture in my foot, ran for only five weeks before the race and finished in 1:50:46. Of course I also ran the same distance in November after a ton of training and went 1:43:06, so maybe there’s something to be said for preparation.

    But outside of the race, it was kind of surreal being back in that city. I left in October 2008 to return to the D.C. area. Driving on the same streets and spending an evening at my old workplace felt like taking a vacation back in time to my former life. Even the race featured a portion of running on the beach ending at a pier that I used dozens of times as the finish line for runs when I lived there.

    My job back then entailed working overnight shifts on the weekends, so after the 11 p.m. news was over I had to watch every single soul in the station leave at once. It got quiet in there real fast. But last weekend I was able to be a part of the exodus for the first time, and that was a rather nice change. I certainly don’t miss that portion of The Weekend Morning Show life.

    Of course it was nice to leave a place with two feet of snow on the ground for weather in the 60s with bright sunshine. It’s a heck of a lot more enjoyable to run on pavement than on packed snow and ice.

    The run wasn’t all gravy though. In the seventh mile the course goes through Jacksonville Beach, on a street right next to a bunch of shops and restaurants. I spent a lot of time in this area on my days off — down to the beach to read for a while and often taking a break for some pizza at Happy Stephanos. The good thing about sightseeing during a half marathon is that you have time to process the things around you. In this case, it was noticing that Happy Stephanos no longer exists. Crying shame.

    I also feel the need to mark the end of the line for the Saucony Grid Triumph. They were on my feet since July I believe, playing an integral role in setting big personal bests in the half marathon (noted above) and 5K (20:24). Of course that 5K was done after suffering the stress fracture in these shoes, so maybe they shouldn’t get too much honor here. Back to the Nike Structure Triax starting tomorrow.

  • 11 Feb

    Hot Dogs in Hamburger Buns

    In an area where four inches of snow creates major problems, it’s never good to have a storm that drops more than two feet of the cold white stuff.

    That’s what leads to people eating hot dogs in hamburger buns.

    On Super Bowl Sunday I was sitting in the living room with one of my roommates where we lamented on our lack of football worthy foods. Being the daring young men we are, we threw caution to the snowy wind and ventured to the grocery store.

    A minute into our trip it was clear we probably should have stayed home. But we were on an important mission, and thus summoned our will to keep going.

    We arrived at the grocery store to find most of our needs easily attainable. The only aisle with glaring problems was the bread section. Having both picked out some hot dogs, we were in need of some buns. Curiously though, hot dogs buns appeared to be the only bread product that everyone before us absolutely had to have.

    And thus we had to go with the next best option, cutting up the hot dogs and putting them on hamburger buns.

    We also picked up a tube of cookie dough and some ice cream to create what may be one of the finest culinary concoctions in the history of the universe. Cut the cookie dough roll into two or three pieces, creating a few giant cookies. Give them a minute to rest and dump each one into a bowl. A few scoops of ice cream on top gives you this masterpiece:

    It is a delightful bowl of hot/cold pure sugar action sure to be enjoyed by anyone in its presence.

  • 06 Feb

    Snow-ly Cow

    It was only a few days ago that I declared the death of the snow fort.

    But as quickly as Mother Nature taketh, Mother Nature gives right back. This weekend we got hit with quite a dumping of snow — at this writing about 20 inches with another five or so possibly on the way.

    So of course, I had to put in a few minutes of effort to construct Snow Fort 2.0. Basically it takes the original structure and utilizes our remaining patio furniture to create behemoth ready for some snow. Before the storm:

    The little shack at the end is where the patio furniture usually resides, but in its now-empty state serves as a nice place to put a chair for some fort relaxation.

    And then the snow fell. And fell. And fell. Here’s how it looked from the outside after about 20 inches:

    The view from sitting in the chair inside the fort:

    The forecast is calling for more potential snow in a few days. This fort may be around until July.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 03 Feb

    So Long, Tai Shan

    The most famous 4-year-old in Washington is leaving town, hopping a direct flight to a new life in Beijing.

    Tai Shan created quite a stir when he was born. After years of false hope, it seemed like the National Zoo’s resident pandas would never conceive a cub.

    And then Tai Shan happened, and the zoo was overwhelmed with visitors trying to catch a glimpse of the the little ball of fur.

    As a graduate student I was able to do a story on Tai Shan for our television station. It was probably the easiest story I did the entire semester, thanks to really helpful public affairs people at the zoo.

    You’ll see one of them interviewed in the story, I believe her name is Sarah Taylor, but can’t be 100 percent because this version doesn’t have any graphics. Actually, I bet I can use the Internet to find out. Hold please…

    Yes, Sarah Taylor. She not only ushered us into the panda area (past crowds of people who had to wait in line with tickets) but also gave me some tapes of great footage to use. Tai Shan was really, really lazy the day we were there, so it was pretty key to be able to get those tapes.

    It was also slightly cold, which is pretty evident in my standup. But at least doing a story at the zoo meant I didn’t have to wear a tie.

    So here it is, the story from February 2006:

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 02 Feb

    Nationwide Bearhouse!!!

    Six days without a post? How did you possibly survive? Trust that I was slightly busy with some important stuff.

    Now I’m back to confirm that my brother has been a dork for a really long time, and I was an entertaining 12-year-old.

    Both pieces of information come to us thanks to an audio file created during a trip to Staunton, Va., in what I believe was the summer of 1996. We were heading there to play in a baseball tournament, which seemed to be a frequent destination for us during that period of my life. I think we made four trips to the tiny town in three years.

    It’s about a three-hour drive, and despite its relatively nice scenery along I-81, it can get a bit boring. Joining me in the car for this journey were my brother Ben, teammate Corey, Corey’s mom and my mom behind the wheel.

    I brought a little tape recorder, which the boys used to document the trip. The tape has everything, including music from the band Seven Mary Three, a little ditty from the Game Gear game Winter Olympics, a fake commercial for “Nationwide Bearhouse,” discussion of an imaginary ape and some high quality storytelling.

    You’ll hear Corey first, I chime in for a second before he continues with his log of things that are happening, and then I get the fun going again with something about pressing a button.


  • 27 Jan

    Don’t Blink

    How much can you learn about something or someone in the blink of an eye?

    According to Malcolm Gladwell’s “Blink,” the answer is far more than you would ever think. I’ll do my best to avoid rhyming for the rest of this post, but no promises.

    Gladwell writes about many different studies and situation in which people rely on their first impression. The result is that a lot of times it appears that your first inkling, that very first feeling you get when you look at someone, can often be right.

    One of his examples is a study of teacher effectiveness. Researchers compared evaluations from students after a semester of class with people who only saw short clips of the same teacher. Those short clips were just 10 seconds long, then cut to five and eventually two seconds — all without sound. In the end, those evaluating the teacher based on a two second clip without sound came up with virtually the same results as those who took an entire semester course.

    It is that kind of first impression that can be very useful in helping us move through our lives. If something feels wrong, there’s a good chance there is a problem. What Gladwell says is that in many of those experiences you don’t can’t express why you feel the way you do because that information is buried in your subconscious.

    Sometimes it takes time for the active part of your brain to catch up and be able to make sense of what your body instinctively already figured out.

    Another extension of that thought is the idea of “priming,” which involves cueing someone to an action without them realizing they are being affected in that way.

    One study Gladwell brings up here involves subjects who have to walk down a long hallway to reach a testing room. There they are giving sets of five words — three of which can be put together to make a simple sentence. They are asked to do so as quickly as possible. What they don’t know is that one word in each group are designed to make them feel old (Florida, gray, lonely). Then they compare how quickly the subjects walk down the hallway afterwards, and found they walk much more slowly.

    The implications of priming could have some of the most practical value of the things Gladwell brings up in the book. He also writes about a study similar to one I read a few years ago in which minority students were asked to list their race before taking a test, with a control group taking the test without the classification.

    The outcomes of these tests have all shown that when students are asked to list their race, they tend to perform as a stereotypical student of that race. Black students score much lower overall, Asian students score higher on math, etc. Those in the control groups don’t show those changes in performance, which are dramatic differences.

    Gladwell writes that this book is much less of a call-to-action type of read than his first. I wrote about “The Tipping Point” last year, which breaks down society into different groups of people needed to take an idea/product/etc. from slow adoption to prevalence in our society.

    If we are to give attention to one idea in “Blink” it has to be the effects of priming. Standardized tests exist for the purpose of comparing a large set of students on what is supposed to be an equal playing field. But there exist very real implications if we have priming questions that so grossly distort the performance of many test-takers.

    One of the reasons there are boxes for race on national tests are to collect the data necessary to evaluate how scores change over time within and among certain groups. Take away those questions, and we lose the data. But with so many studies showing that those boxes can have such an adverse effect on the outcomes of the test, do we need to continue collecting what we know is compromised data?

    “Blink” also opens a Pandora’s box of feeling manipulated by corporate America. As I begin to catch up with the rest of the world on the show “Mad Men,” there are lots of parallels about how seemingly simple things have a huge effect on how a product sells. Change a bottle, the color of the shirt the mascot is wearing on the label, and you have a chunk of market share.

    Gladwell talks about the Pepsi Challenge, in which soda drinkers were blindfolded and given sips of Pepsi and Coke and asked to pick which one they prefer. The result was a big win for Pepsi, as far as the Challenge went. When it came to sales, Pepsi still lagged. Gladwell interviewed a former Pepsi executive who said that type of sip test brings a “blink” judgment, one that will always be won by the sweeter product. Over time, however, tests in which people have the product in their home for a week or a month are far more effective in determining future sales.

    If you’re interested in how our judgment can help make decisions before our brains even know what’s going on, definitely dive into this one. I don’t think you can go wrong with Gladwell’s style and the interesting ways he looks at the way we react to our world. That said, if you’re new to Gladwell I think “The Tipping Point” is about 1 percent better.

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