
  • 23 Aug

    Sweet Thursday

    For a while I’ve been meaning to email myself a list of Steinbeck books I’ve read/need to read so that when I’m at a bookstore I actually know which ones to acquire in my quest to get through them all.

    After reading “Sweet Thursday,” I finally compiled the list and have completed 11 of them with 17 to go.  Though I’ve read the longest ones already, so I consider myself roughly halfway there.

    The unread Steinbeck section of my bookshelf

    Part of the reason for making the list is that I want to read the rest more or less in order, because in this case, “Sweet Thursday” takes place in the same place as “Cannery Row.”  It’s not necessary to read “Cannery Row” first, but there are a few references that make more sense if you have.

    Oddly enough, I meant to grab a different unread Steinbeck from the stack, but I’m glad I ended up reading this one because it’s actually one of my favorite of his I’ve read in a while.  This town is populated with a lot of charming people who have a ton of faults, but just try so hard at life that you can’t help but to root for them or at least laugh at them with empathy.

    I’m sure I’ve touched on this in every Steinbeck post before, but if you wanted an epic biography for yourself, he’s the guy you would want following you around.  His descriptions are so unique.

    There’s a character named Doc, the town’s smart guy who helps everyone and often ends up getting hurt when their best-laid plans to repay him spectacularly blow up.  One day he’s out in the countryside and meets a stranger:

    “This one was a big, bearded stranger with the lively, innocent eyes of a healthy baby,” Steinbeck writes.  “He wore ragged overalls and a blue shirt washed nearly white, and he was barefooted.  The straw hat on his head had two large holes cut in the brim, proof that it had once been the property of a horse.”

    Every element of that is nothing short of epic. In another scene, Doc ends up at a diner in Monterey, which is run by a guy named Sonny Boy.  Steinbeck paints him as the precursor to the Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World.”

    “Sonny Boy can say ‘good evening’ and make it sound like an international plot.”

    Sometimes the context of a great line is not important at all.  Like this, which needs to be on a t-shirt:

    “There is nothing reassuring about the smile of a tiger.”

    Late in the story, the manager of the brothel across the street is getting one of her girls, Suzy, ready for a date she has set up with Doc, and drops this pearl of wisdom that applies pretty much to all humans:

    “You know, Suzy, they ain’t no way in the world to get in trouble by keeping your mouth shut,” she says.  “You look back at every mess you ever got in and you’ll find your tongue started it.”

    If tigers ever start talking, we’re going to have a serious problem.

    By cjhannas books Uncategorized
  • 22 Aug

    Bobbly Desmond

    Three years after a Metro train breakdown and a horde of Phillies fans prevented my brother and I from getting an Ian Desmond bobblehead, our lives are now complete.

    In August 2011, we were on our way to Nationals Park when a train in front of us broke down and kept us sitting on the tracks for what seemed like an eternity.  By the time we got moving and made it to the stadium, all we saw were other people — many of them Phillies fans — carrying around bobble boxes.

    I wondered back then why opposing fans would even want them, especially since at the time Desmond wasn’t exactly a star player.

    Thankfully this year’s Desmond bobblehead day was on a Thursday instead of a Saturday, and there were 25,000 of them instead of 15,000.  Plus it was a 4:05 game so it was easy for us to get there before most normal folks.

    Now my Nats bobble collection includes Ryan Zimmerman, Stephen Strasburg, Wilson Ramos and Mr. Desmond:

    Oh and the Nats won their 10th consecutive game.  It was their fifth walk-off win in six games.  Life is good.

    By cjhannas baseball Uncategorized
  • 18 Aug

    Nearest Me

    Which person have you spent the most time with during your lifetime?

    It may have been my idle brain talking, but I started thinking about that question the other day on the Metro and really wish I could definitively know the answer.

    In the same way I can check my bank account balance from my smartphone, I want an app that gives a live total, perhaps with a simple leaderboard.  There could be fun icons that show who is rising or falling the fastest, or others like who holds the record for seeing me the most days in a row.

    Defining “spending time” as being at least in the same room, it seems like the top contenders would have to be members of my immediate family.  After all, I spent my entire childhood under the same roof as all of them, and with six people there, that often meant being in the same room as someone.

    For everyone, your mom gets a 9-month head start, but in my case that advantage is nullified by the fact that I have a twin sister.  You might think my sister got a further boost by being in school with me, but we actually spent almost no time in the same classes.

    This post needed a family pic, and this is probably my favorite

    As far as my brothers go, my older brother was around me for nearly three years before the younger one showed up.  However, the younger one got two of those years back when the older one went to college.  If I had to honestly guess, I would say given the amount of time we spent playing video games together, at baseball games and playing whatever sport we made up in the back yard, I would have to assume my younger brother is the winner.

    Of course we’ll never know…unless someone has been watching this whole time.  If that’s the case, please email me.

    By cjhannas family Uncategorized
  • 15 Aug

    Flippin Credit Cards

    Credit card companies, it’s time to move the swipe strip from the top of the card to the bottom.

    It shouldn’t take much to convince them to do this, since all of their ads show that’s clearly what they want.

    Check out this shot seven seconds into an American Express ad:

    This one, also at seven seconds for MasterCard:

    And this, at the 44-second mark for Visa:

    Now pull out your wallet and select any card of your choice.  See a discrepancy?  If you swipe the card like they do in the commercials, it won’t work.

    Maybe they would have to move where the raised numbers appear, but it doesn’t seem like it would be that tough to design a card that would both be functional and look the way they want in a commercial.

    Imagine if Pizza Hut had commercials with people eating slices from the side:

    That would just be silly.

    By cjhannas Uncategorized
  • 25 Jul

    Getting Squirrely at SU

    I’d like to take a moment and say goodbye to a Caped Crusader.  No, not the Caped Crusader, but rather the mascot at my alma mater Susquehanna University.

    The official mascot is the Crusaders, but beginning with my freshman year the costumed being running around at sporting events has been a tiger with a cape.  Here he is in a throwback photo:

    Fun fact: That 2001 picture is from the day I moved in, taken in front of my freshman dorm.  Good times.

    The tiger came as a way to move away from the image of a knight, which, as Director of Student Activities Brent Papson explains in this story in the school paper, is not the type of Crusader the university represents:

    “We were nicknamed the ‘little crusaders’ for how well we performed, despite not being professional, and it’s considered something to be proud of. That’s why our alumni base and the university have chosen to hold on to the name. What we’re embracing is not the historical concept of the Crusader.”

    In practice, the tiger was kind of lame and hard to explain.  He’s being replaced this school year by a squirrel, which I could not endorse more strongly.  You can’t go three feet without encountering a squirrel on campus, and seeing one perched on a trash can eating an ice cream cone is always entertaining.  I also kind of want to see a dancing squirrel.

    How will alums react?  My class has been preparing for this since we graduated.  Before we left campus, each of us was given a little metal acorn as a “symbol of life” and the idea of going out and sprouting as people in this world:

    I wonder how many of my classmates still have theirs.  Or for that matter, who still has one of these:

    For the record, a squirrel did not gnaw on it; that’s four years of wear and tear.

  • 21 Jul

    Stories On Stories On Stories

    Paul Auster has a way of slowly and methodically sucking you into his novels.  “Oracle Night” is certainly one of those books.

    The main character is an author who in the course of the story writes part of a book and a treatment for a screenplay.  Auster tells not only the author’s story, but also gives you these others within it.

    Those other stories?  They’re kind of amazing too.  The portion of a book follows a guy who nearly gets killed while walking on the street, takes that as a breaking point from his old life, keeps walking and boards a plane to a new city to start over.  It’s a legitimate page-turner and my only disappointment with “Oracle Night” is that I don’t get to know what happens to him.

    The film idea is equally great.  The author is asked to develop a script for a “War of the Worlds” movie, and since there is already a straight adaptation, he decides to take it in a new direction.  His idea partly involves people in the future who get to take one ride in a time machine to 200 years in the past in order to observe their ancestors.

    You go at age 20, and the author writes that the purpose is to teach you humility and compassion for other people.

    “The traveler will understand that he has come from an immense cauldron of contradictions and that among his antecedents are beggars and foold, saints and heroes, cripples and beauties, gentle souls and violent criminals, altruists and thieves.”

    I would absolutely watch this movie, and support its implementation in real life.  If you happen to have a time machine, please get this going.

    This book had me so into the story I didn’t stop to note many things along the way, but there’s one more bit that caught me attention.  The author’s wife is telling him about a dream in which they ended up in a locked room together.  He asks if she knew what happened to them and she says that’s when she woke up.

    “People can’t die in their dreams, you know,” she says.  “Even if the door was locked, something would have happened to get us out.  That’s how it works.  As long as you’re dreaming, there’s always a way out.”

    That last line belongs on t-shirts and Pinterest.

    By cjhannas books Uncategorized
  • 20 Jul

    Slam Duh Duh Duh

    Some people talk to themselves, others talk to their dog or cat, but in Nick Hornby’s “Slam,” the main character talks to a Tony Hawk poster.

    It’s a storytelling quirk that becomes less and less necessary to move the plot as the book goes along, but every time Sam talks to TH (as he calls him for sake of not having to write it out over and over) I couldn’t help but laugh.  He doesn’t hear words he would imagine coming from TH, but rather quotes from the autobiography that skating-obsessed Sam has read a thousand times.

    Take, for example, when he breaks up with his girlfriend and asks TH if he did something wrong by ending things:

    “‘If something in my life didn’t revolve around skating, then I had a hard time figuring it out,’ said T.H.  He was talking about Sandy again, his first real girlfriend, but it might have been his way of saying, ‘How the hell do I know?  I’m only a skater.’  Or even, ‘I’m only a poster.'”

    That’s the beauty of the Sam-TH relationship.  It’s like thinking about Stewie on Family Guy and why sometimes the adults can understand what he’s saying and sometimes they can’t.  When it’s convenient for Sam (TH agrees with him) then he totally buys in, but at other times he’s very quick to point out the lunacy of the whole thing.

    Sam needs all this advice from TH because he’s prone to getting himself into trouble, which isn’t all that unexpected since he’s 16.  Sure that the ex-girlfriend, Alicia, is pregnant, he runs off instead of actually hearing the news in a plan that unravels spectacularly from the beginning.  When he comes back, he vows to be smarter, but knows that’s easier said than done.

    “It’s not enough, though, just to decide not to be stupid.  Otherwise, why don’t we decide to be really clever — clever enough to invent something like the iPod and make a lot of money?”

    Later Sam and Alicia have an argument in which she accuses him of thinking he has a future for himself, while she is destined for a dead-end life.  He responds by bringing up her stated aspiration of being a model — something she told him in a flirty manner when they first met to gauge his interest.  Naturally, that only made things worse for Sam, who realized his error in mixing a good moment with this one.

    “You should never drag stuff out of a nice conversation and chuck it back in the middle of a nasty one.  Instead of one good memory and one bad memory, you’re left with two shitty ones.”

    Hornby has been one of my favorite authors for a while, and while this is far from my favorite book of his, he did toss in something I’m sure was just for me:

    “I didn’t call Alicia’s dad Mr. Burns anymore.  I called him Robert, which was better, because every time I said Mr. Burns, I thought of an ancient bald bloke who owned the Springfield nuclear reactor.”

    I want a Milhouse reference in the next book, Nick.

    By cjhannas books Uncategorized
  • 19 Jul

    I Want A Liter Ice Cream

    My roommate has many tremendous qualities, but none may be more entertaining than watching the advertising world work its magic on him.  If we’re watching TV and a commercial for any food product comes on, all I have to do is look in his direction and wait for him to say, “Hmm, I could really go for [insert product name] right now…”

    And he’s completely serious every time.  On New Year’s Eve probably 10 years ago, we were hanging out at his then-place and a Taco Bell ad gloriously splashed across the screen.  Being a holiday, Taco Bell was closed, and I told him that, but he was so insistent on taking care of that craving that we went anyway on a journey that ended in despair.

    The target the other night was ice cream.  It was after 11 p.m., and he asked if there were any ice cream places that would still be open.  The answer, as it has been probably 10 times in the past five years I’ve been asked this question late at night, was no.  But there is a 24-hour grocery store nearby.

    We went.  And found this:

    Don’t get distracted by the fact that there’s a Samoas flavor of ice cream.  Focus on the portions within these containers.  They both claim to have 1.5 quarts, but translate that amount differently when it comes to liters: 1.41 for Breyers and 1.42 for Turkey Hill.

    Naturally, at 11:30 on a Thursday night, this is what became important about this trip for me.  So what’s the deal?  Well, the people at the Breyer’s company are apparently not interested in rounding up:

    You could make an argument that they’re trying to not over-promise what’s inside that seemingly ever-shrinking container.  But come on, when you’re giving me a product that’s going to inflate my waistline I absolutely have no problem with you swelling 1.4195 up to 1.42.  It’s okay.

    Turkey Hill gets it.  That’s why I bought 1.42 liters of their ice cream.  And another 1.42 liters for good measure.

    By cjhannas food Uncategorized
  • 04 Jul


    Book two of the “Divergent” series: done.  Well, I finished “Insurgent” a month ago, but let’s use my blogging procrastination for some sort of good.

    In early June, Nationals outfielder Bryce Harper was still healing from a thumb injury that cost him much of the first half of the season.  He returned to the lineup Monday and caused some stirs when he suggested he should be playing center field instead of manning his former home in left.

    This became one of those annoying sports “debates” that bounced around talk radio and among people who take this kind of thing way too seriously.  I may have unfollowed a few people on Twitter.

    I’m going to use his honest statement to quickly point out that he is Divergent.  Anyone who watches Bryce play for two seconds can see that he has a whole lot of Dauntless pulsing through his veins.  The guy is fearless in the way he throws his body around the field.  Ask him a question, and the Candor part of him comes out.

    As with Tris in the books, having multiple faction aptitudes can be a great thing.  In “Insurgent,” she is forced to undergo interrogation under a truth serum at the Candor headquarters.  She admits in front of her Dauntless brethren that she killed one of their friends, a piece of information that causes huge rifts with some of the people with which she used to be the closest.

    “The Candor sing the praises of the truth, but they never tell you how much it costs,” she says.

    We all appreciate truth and having people be straightforward with us, but there are times where we say completely true, completely honest things that cause nothing but problems.  In time, these things often work themselves out (like the Nats winning every game since Harper’s return), but the intermediary steps can be tough.

    Tris wants to move on from shooting her friend Will both because it has messed with her former confidence in her abilities and because she doesn’t like being a social outcast.  She does all she can, including basically deciding to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone in her faction.  In the end, even Will’s girlfriend, Tris’s good friend Christina, understands and forgives her.

    There’s still one book left in this series, and I’m wary of what is next.  Coming into “Insurgent,” my friend and I who are reading them together wondered where the story could go after the first book and were generally pleased with how it went.  But we’ve also heard that the third book is a total letdown, so it’s hard to be super enthusiastic about it.

    This is why I usually try to avoid hearing/reading about either a book or movie I’m going to check out for myself.

    At one point during “Insurgent,” Tris and the leader of her former faction are at Amity headquarters where they see a water filtration machine at work.

    “Both us of watch the purification happen,” she says, “and I wonder if he is thinking what I am: that it would be nice if life worked this way, stripping the dirt from our lives and sending us out into the world clean.  But some dirt is destined to linger.”

    As much as I want to go into the third book fresh, there is that bit of dirt that’s going to make me start looking for points at which I think the story is about to go into disappointing territory.  Maybe I’ll just choose to believe that everyone was purposely lying to me and I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

    By cjhannas books Uncategorized
  • 03 Jul

    Let It Woah

    People like baseball.  People like a little movie called “Frozen.”  Put them together and you get a lot of interest.

    A few days ago the video-sharing service Vine introduced a wonderful feature that shows you how many times your little 6-second video has been played.  Before that, all you knew about its popularity was how many times someone commented or hit the like button.

    I haven’t posted a ton on Vine, but now with the loop count I can tell you that a lot of them get something like 20 plays.  This one from the postgame fireworks at Nats Park last night was slightly more popular thanks to being retweeted on Twitter:

    It got about 80 plays in the first eight hours.

    But there was another post in late April that really blew my mind once I saw the count.  I posted a snippet of Zach Walters using “Do You Want to Build a Snowman” as his walkup music.  It’s been picked up EVERYWHERE, including that night by the Washington Post.  Seriously, do a Google search for “cjhannas frozen” and see how many stories it’s in.

    The result of all that exposure, plus being re-posted by 1,000 other Vine users and shared on Twitter plenty of times?

    More than 575,000 views as of right now since I posted it April 22.  It’s pretty safe to say that’s the most popular social mediaing I will ever do.

    Unless of course I get super famous and then do something scandalous, all of which sounds like too much work.  So I’ll just do stuff like this:

1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 75