Skillz to Pay the Billz

The blog recently underwent a major technology upgrade.

Most of the posts of late had been made using a laptop made in roughly 2002, one that did not have wireless Internet or enough power to competently stream a YouTube video.

The new addition takes care of those problems plus adds a few more exciting tools, such as a webcam. And what fun is new technology if you can’t put it to work?

So I give you the maiden voyage of the webcam here on the cjhannas blog:

I must say it was strange watching myself do that. I have seen a bunch of videos of people solving a Rubik’s Cube before, but I found it strangely mesmerizing to see myself flipping all those colors around.

For a look at how I learned this incredibly useful skill, check out this post from the archives.

January 23, 2010 By cjhannas Rubik's cube Uncategorized video Share: