Yeah there’s no sisterhood here. Sorry about the false advertising, however there is traveling foam.
About a month ago I was driving to work on I-495 and noticed bits of white stuff flying up in the air on the road in front of me. As I got closer, the bits got bigger and were easily recognizable as your standard white chunks of styrofoam. Cars were running them over, bouncing them high into the air and generally moving them forward a little bit at a time.
At the time, it only slightly crossed my mind how cool it would be to know that something could make it all the way around a circular highway like the beltway. It would need to be something sturdy enough, light enough to be moved by passing traffic, yet small and harmless enough that no authorities would clear it from the road/shoulder area.
Last week I saw more white foam on my way to work on the same route. The chunks were smaller, but I can only assume that it was the same stuff. The cool part? This time the chunks were about a half-mile into Virginia, meaning they made about a 3 mile journey down the Beltway, crossed the American Legion Bridge, and made tracks for McLean.
And if you haven’t figured it out by now, that’s exactly the kind of thing that makes me enjoy life.