Scary Rabbit and the Tale of the Broken Arm

I must first apologize since I feel like I’ve left out a LOT of potentially good stuff from the last week or so, but I’m going to claim I was busy and thus couldn’t share it with you.

But I’ll make up for it here, with the scariest children’s item I’ve seen in a while. That’s on the side of the box of a giant chocolate rabbit I received for Easter. Now I’m not an expert in marketing and packaging, but last time I checked, frightening the bejeeezus out of little kids is not a good way to go when your business is geared towards children. Just a thought.

On the other hand, the picture does appear right about the nutritional facts, which could be a move to try to ward off some childhood obesity. The kids see the sad rabbit–OK, the obviously suicidal rabbit–along with the nutritional facts and say “hmmmmm, maybe eating this chocolate bunny will make me sad like the rabbit on the box.” But he is packed with 16 % of your daily recommended calcium if you eat the whole thing at once, so maybe it’s not allllllll that bad. (We’ll pretend like the chocolate rabbit doesn’t also have 140 percent of your daily saturated fat)…

At last weekend’s GW Parkway Classic 5K, my running partner for the day said her biggest fear at the start of a race was falling down and getting trampled by all of the runners behind her. This week I ran the prestigious Vienna Elementary 5K, which was preceded by the even more well-known Vienna Elementary 1 mile. It was that 1-mile race where that fear became someone else’s reality. One of the elementary school kids–I’m not sure which one since I’ve never been to that school before and there were 877689 of them in the race–where was I? Oh right, one of the kids fell, maybe have been trampled, and certainly broke his arm. Ouch.

May 1, 2006 By cjhannas running Uncategorized Share: