Patio Life

It’s a spring Saturday afternoon.  After splitting a pair of DC media league softball games, I’m outside on my patio writing.  It looks like this:

All fall and winter I was focused on getting things done inside my place so that I could use the early spring to get this area together, and then, of course, enjoy it.  When I moved, I brought along some chairs that my old roommate didn’t want, and after obtaining some pots and stealing plants from my dad’s greenhouse (with permission), I ended up with this:

There’s a mix of red and gold peppers, tomatoes, rosemary, basil (which is pretty much dead, whoops), black-eyed susans, lillies, and a blueberry bush.

Plus there’s the extended view of the strip of woods just beyond the patio, which has the requisite trees, squirrels and other assorted wildlife.  While watering the plants the other day a bunny hopped by:

I can’t even describe how big of an upgrade this is from my last place, where we had a big deck, but there was no shade and I nearly had a heart attack when the heat pump kicked on five feet from where I was sitting.

Now I just need to find a good way to watch Nats games out here.

May 9, 2015 By cjhannas Uncategorized Share: