On Eagle's Wings

I usually write stories that get no immediate feedback.

Sure, some people comment right after they read something here, or an editor might say something after going over one of my scripts. I’ve also spoken to many fine residents of Jacksonville, Florida, who wanted to lodge some complaint about one of the news shows I produced.

But that’s not the same as having people react in the moment — to see their faces and sense them as you’re reading something.

Last week, I actually did that, presenting a short piece at a “coffee house” event held at my church. As I may have suspected, it was an odd experience having a crowd instead of just sending my story off as a bunch of anonymous electronic signals.

But at least they applauded at the end. My normal audience may do that, but not loud enough for me to hear.

In case you weren’t in attendance, I recorded a version here (3.5 mins). Brace yourself for the part where I made the questionable decision to sing, letting what I thought the story needed at that point supersede my total lack of ability to adequately provide it.

April 15, 2011 By cjhannas audio family piano Poppop Uncategorized Share:

One thought on “On Eagle’s Wings

  1. Nancy W says:

    It was a very moving tribute to your grandfather. And definitely one of the touching moments of the evening.

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