Ho Ho...Wait, What Happened?

If you happened to witness our Christmas Day 2004 festivities, my family could use your help.

We apparently have a good idea of what happened at all of the other Christmases since 2002, but for some reason that year is a blur. At least, when it comes to the bunny suit.

Inspired by “A Christmas Story” I gave my younger brother a bunny suit as part of his 2002 gift. It’s not as awesome as it sounds. Given the incredible prices of adult-size bunny suits at the time, I went with a roughly $4 infant-size suit I got on eBay.

The first recipient, circa 2002

Since then the bunny suit has made the rounds, ending up in the hands of just about everyone in the family. This year we decided we should make an official record, and that’s where the amnesia set in.

Everyone insists they’ve only had it a certain number of times, and that leaves a year missing. Putting together other bits of information — like knowing to whom we gave it or who gave it to us — has filled in most of the years.

But 2004 is a complete mystery.

Not a mystery are two of the more interesting holiday songs in existence. One has to do with hippos and rhinocerosesses. The other, with an Italian donkey.

I also should mention that my roommate and I have official parental support for our Nerf gun activities. His parents presented us with two more guns for our collection, this time with suction darts. Get excited.

December 28, 2009 By cjhannas Christmas Uncategorized Share:

One thought on “Ho Ho…Wait, What Happened?

  1. lauraB says:

    so jealous. i didn't get to buy my nerf guns, and then the price went up! lame…

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