Gettin Maddie With It

Here’s the thing.  I have a lot of things to write about, but my lack of posting in the past two weeks can be attributed to both being super busy and perhaps poorly managing what little free time I did have.

Lots of posts on the way in the coming days.  Promise.  To make it up to you, here’s some delayed content from last weekend featuring baby video.  Who doesn’t like baby video?

I was down in Richmond for a little family get together, which included a little girl who is quickly becoming my favorite niece.  It’s possible I only have one, but she loves playing a game where she brings you items and then puts them all back where they started.  As someone with a slight tilt toward neat-freakness, these are skills I admire.

With the cars all put away, we were able to get in a jam session on the piano.  I apologize for the camera work in this one.  It’s slightly difficult to frame a shot when you can’t see it while simultaneously trying to play with a child and the piano.

The final video features a wardrobe change, downing a giant piece of banana and her taking interest in a game involving a ping pong ball and a cup.  The bigger kids (mostly adults) struggled to succeed with this game, but she shows us we were just making it too hard by standing too far away.

Coming soon: a major update on the writing project, thoughts on the final two books in the Hunger Games series (and possibly the movie), some Mega Millions happenings and exciting new stuff at Taco Bell.

Stay tuned.

March 29, 2012 By cjhannas family Uncategorized video Share: