Sometimes we don’t step back and realize how fortunate we are to live where we do.
Forget things like reliable access to electricity, clean water and Netflix. It’s the little things that make our lives astounding compared to many parts of the world.
Last night at work I drank two bottles of tea, which in itself doesn’t sound that incredible. After all, you can get tea in even the poorest countries on Earth.
What makes our lives really privileged are the adjectives. Just like we have a whole section at the grocery store solely for different varieties, brands and sizes of ketchup, our choice of teas is extensive.
So, let me try again.
Last night I drank two bottles of tea. The one on the left, is just a diet, mixed berry-flavored green tea. The one on the right is a thing of engineering beauty, a sparkling, diet, strawberry kiwi-flavored green tea.
Maybe our lives would be a little simpler without so much choice.
Then again, adjectives are delicious.
That sparkling tea DOES look incredible.
Now I will be looking for it….
But point well taken, my friend…
It is awesome! Definitely don't miss the bottles of Mountain Dew I used to drink instead. I've only seen it at Safeway.