The Simple Joys

Some would say that I am a bit…umm…different. Yes different. I had two great joys today, all within about a 15 minute period in the blustery cold.

I was leaving campus for the day, but had to get a camera and tripod back to my apartment. Since the pair is heavy as a MOTHER, I walked up the street to the apartment and got my car, thus saving my shoulder from a great deal of pain this evening. During my walk at about 5:30, traffic on one of the main streets leaving campus was quite heavy. Great Joy No. 1 for the day: A bus passed me right when I reached the street. It’s maybe 3/4ths of a mile from there to my apartment. I out-walked the bus up the street. Even better was the look on some of the bus patrons faces, as they clearly saw me walk by several times as the bus grinded to a halt behind all of the other cars.

So when I finally made it back up that same street in my car–with camera in tow–Great Joy No. 2 appeared. Next to me at the light was a young woman, I presume a fellow student at Maryland. She was bobbing her head and singing along to some song as if no one was watching. Curious, I quickly switched around to a few different radio stations to see if I could find the one she was rocking out to. Thank you Hot 99.5 for letting me know that this girl was a fan of Rihanna.

January 25, 2006 By cjhannas music Uncategorized Share: