Online dating involves looking at a lot of profiles, and after a while certain commonalities make them all blend together.
I can’t tell you the number of women who are looking for a partner in crime, work hard and play hard, and have an affinity for the phrase “live, laugh, love.” So it’s especially refreshing when there’s a detail in a profile or conversation that comes out of left field.
During the past few weeks I’ve tried to remember to screenshot a few of these as I come across them. Perhaps my favorite is the woman who bragged about her ability to excel at breakfast time:
Sometimes it’s best to get the important questions out of the way to test compatibility before you invest too much time. First part, great, second part, oh boy:
The “You Should message me if” section is one where a lot of the cliches live, so imagine my joy when I came across this final sentence:
Oh and this one:
If you are not aware, ReBoot was an awesome show that graced our lives when I was a kid. Get educated.
Back to contemporary computer life. Profile pictures commonly include some sort of hiking shot or, in a shocking number of cases, skydiving. Emus are not common:
At work I have to write all units of measurement in metric, so when a Canadian messaged me, it was only natural that I described my distance from DC in terms of kilometers. Very nice to have my efforts appreciated!
Also, the Canadian knows about ReBoot, so bonus points.
Finally, the deal-breaker of all deal-breakers:
You should know better than to talk about Natalie like that.