It's My Morning and I'll Blog if I Want to

You would blog too if it happened to you.

Moving on. First of all, NEW SHOW (March 30). Pretty Good one I think.

Two news items caught my eye this week. The first, Rep. Cynthia McKinney running afoul of the Capitol Police. Glad to see I’m not the only one they’re out to get. Though I’m not black and not a woman, so I guess their “motives” differ in our cases. For the record, I was wearing my credentials BOTH times I was questioned by Capitol Police officers, and NEITHER time did I hit one of them.

The other article that got the noodle going was about Indiana finally joining the rest of the country–except Hawaii and Arizona–in observing daylight savings this year.

That got me thinking all about time zones and time differences. You know, how it’s like 8 am here on the East Coast, but in Sydney it’s like 3 pm tomorrow. At some point someone came up with a system and said “startiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing NOW!” right? Turns out some Canadian fellow came up with the idea for world time zones back in the day, but being Canadian, he also threw in that there should be a central clock located at the center of the Earth…

So my question is, if there was a point in time where someone just hit “Go” on this system, how did the people at the very front of the time zones feel about basically losing time, while the people at the back got to have that one day almost twice? I know I’d be pissed. Just think about how you feel each Spring when you “lose” just one hour, which you get back in the fall. Those people in Japan lost an entire day on “Go,” one they’ll never get back.

April 1, 2006 By cjhannas tripod Uncategorized Share: