Hole In One Kick

What happens when you’re eight holes into a round of golf and some guy who works at the course insists you stop playing because of this allegedly dangerous thing called lightning?

For your sake, I hope you don’t end up stuck in the screened-in portion of a snack bar waiting out the thunderstorm cell…and then another…and then another, until the course peeps say you’re not going to play again that day.

But if you do, I have a game you can use to occupy the time.  It’s called Foot Putt.  That may not be the best name, but it’s what I came up with under those conditions.

Our shelter had three wooden stools, a water cooler and the things roommate MR and I had on our person (golf balls, hats, gloves).  So we started with this:

The goal is simple: Kick the ball with your foot and have it go through the legs of the stool.  This proved to be rather difficult given the slope of the concrete on which we were playing.  So to both make a scoring kick more likely and to spice things up a bit, we enlisted the other two stools:

The wrinkle this time is that each stool has a different point value.  The far right is worth one point, the middle two points and, you guessed it, three magical points for foot-putting your ball through the stool on the left.

At first, I thought we would get to maybe 11 points before we got back out on the course.  MR was crushing me at that point, so I was glad when the rain would not stop falling and the sky would not stop throwing electricity at us.  With a monumental comeback, I finally won 50-49.

As devastated as MR was with the loss, nothing could compare with what happened next.  We had already snacked at the adjacent snack bar and during our game had noticed through the window on the door that they had a big Good Humor ice cream cooler just inside.  With extreme rain-related mugginess assaulting our bodies, we decided nothing would be better than sampling the cool treats.

But as soon as we walked over to the cooler we saw the cruel joke.  It was empty.  Pretty sure that should be illegal.

July 16, 2012 By cjhannas golf Uncategorized Share: