I just had one of those dreams you really want to document, and fortunately my laptop happened to be a few feet away. Clearly this one has great meaning and should be analyzed for insights into my life:
I’m in a car, or more like looking at the inside of a car. Skateboarder and MTV reality superstar Rob Dyrdek is there with former MTVer Christopher “Big Black” Boykin and one other guy. There’s a man at the door asking for IDs, so I assume we were at some sort of club.
I watch at Rob gets out of the car and calmly walks inside the building, which doesn’t look at all like a club. He turns to his right to a bank of elevators — more like a hallway of 50 or so elevators on the right side and then a few more straight ahead of us.
Rob puts his hand on the “up” button at the first elevator, gets a big grin on his face and then runs straight ahead, pressing the button on most of the elevators as he goes. An employee of whatever kind of establishment we were at starts yelling and chasing after Rob. Just as he gets to the end of the hallway, the last elevator opens up, and a group of girls walks out. Rob jumps in the elevator, the doors closing just as the angry employee gets there.
For some reason I am not actually on the elevator, not just watching Rob like he’s on TV. A family is in the back, hiding behind a curtain in the now oddly huge elevator. You could park a car in there. We get to the top and I get out. I realize we are in a really tall building, but decide the elevator is not the best option for getting down.
I pass up the escalator too, instead opting for the stairs, which look more like big plastic slides. It’s like Chutes and Ladders without the ladders. I sit down at the top and don’t budge. There’s some kind of traction-y stuff on the chute that won’t let me move. I get up, feeling like an idiot because people just saw me assume that thing was a slide. But then all of a sudden I am sliding down, and the chute becomes more like one of those giant wavy slides you see at a carnival.
I get to the bottom, and now the mystery building is a mall. And somehow it is clearly identified as being in Atlanta. I decide that stores in different parts of the country get different items, so I should buy some new shoes.
I go into Finish Line and turn to the shoe wall on the right. Another customer sees the polo shirt I’m wearing and asks me if I know the price of the shoe he’s holding. I do not. I look back at the wall, which doesn’t have very many shoes on it. Lots of empty little shelves there there are supposed to be shoes.
For some reason the shoe wall turns into a wall of video games. Most of them are used. I turn to walk out and start discussing the lack of cool games with a friend — who I guess just magically appeared at the Atlanta mall/club/elevatorium.
Wake up.