Arbitrary things shouldn’t control us…right? I mean, there are so many decisions that end up as a slightly better than random solution, borderline complete guesses as to how the situation should be handled.
Take microwaves. These things are the king recipients of arbitrary decisions. Need to cook hot dogs? How about a minute. But when was the last time you stopped it at 2 seconds? No no, couldn’t possibly do that, what if they’re not done yet? You’ll never notice the difference.
If there’s one thing in this world that paaaaaaaains me to do, it’s setting a microwave for a “normal” time like 1 minute or 30 seconds. There’s no point. They may seem like nice correct numbers, but that hot dog cooks just as well at 29 seconds as it does at 32, let alone 30…so why not pick a number that’s more fun? Everyone does 30. 30 is easy. Branch out. Remember, you’re bigger than the microwave, and like computers, casts, small rocks and staplers, you should never lose to anything that is smaller than you.