Another year of blogging has (almost) come to an end, and thus it’s time to highlight what I think were the 10 best of the past 12 months.
Like last year, I didn’t blog as much as I wanted to, but that’s going to change in 2015. I’m going to jump-start the year with a new post every day in January (taking requests now).
But that’s the future. Let’s count down the past, finishing with the greatest post of all time:
10. Extra Medium Pasta
Two pasta makers give me identical shells, but one labels them medium and the other large. Naturally, I ask them to explain this lunacy.
9. Box 27, Check
I take partial credit for the New York Times fixing a massive OCD issue with its homepage.
8. Vegemite This Be A Bad Idea
My Australian friend dares me to eat vegemite. I do. I wish I hadn’t. (I still have a ton if anyone wants to dig in!)
7. Let It Woah
I become a social media superstar thanks to a Nationals player and the epidemic that is “Frozen.”
6. Brick Simpsons
Lego lets me indulge my Simpsons nerdery. Time-lapse photography lets you watch much faster than I could build.
5. Going Back to #1s
A running diary of the morning I spent listening to Songza’s stream of #1 hits from the 2000s.
4. No Hits For You (Marlins)
Jordan Zimmermann throws a no-hitter. I scream on video. Life is perfect.
3. Oregon Trail of Misfortune
I fire up Oregon Trail and take my friends (and a few celebs) on a disastrous journey across this great land.
2. Operation Get Breakfast Get Home
An overnight snowstorm while I was at work leaves me in search of a meal and a way home.
1. Anastasiya and the Eli Manning Airport
I get intentionally catfished for the second time, winding a three-month journey that ends up with a document in Russian citing an airport named after Eli Manning.
If you want more “best of” posts: