Rack 'Em

The problem: with no other home, bottles of wine were forced to live in a box on the floor in my dining room.

The solution: get a wine rack.  Or rather, get materials that could be made into a wine rack.

Shoutout to myself for doing the math before going to the store so I knew exactly how many of each board I needed.  And to Lowe’s for having 6-foot lengths that fit easily in my car.

I own a saw, and with such small pieces of wood it wouldn’t have taken me all day to cut them by hand, but with something like 60 individual pieces in my plan, it seemed far more efficient to crash my parents’ basement and crank it all out on the trusty band saw.

Safety first.

With all the pieces cut, I returned to my patio/workshop to assemble everything.  My first dry run revealed that when I attached the top pieces, I pinched in the corners a litttttle too much and only about half the holes could actually accommodate a bottle.  After setting it aside for dinner and a night of sleep, I rectified the problem and had a much more successful dry run.

I could have left it in all its wooden glory, but with where I planned to put it, a coat of black paint was necessary to make it fit in.  That turned out to be more time consuming than I anticipated with all the little nooks and whatnot.

I let it dry in the wonderful spring sun, and then let it settle into its new home.  It’s hard to tell form this picture, but the top of the rack sort of matches the top of the box I built on the right.

Problem solved.

April 21, 2016 By cjhannas Uncategorized Share: